Science in St. Louis

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Grant's View Branch
Meeting Room 2 (GV)

Event Details

Presented by Academy of Science St. Louis Learn about science happening in our community. Discover a different in-depth topic each month from local scientists in St. Louis. Adults and teens. Registration required. This month's topic: Neutron Stars: The Densest Laboratory in the Universe Featured Speaker: Alexander Haber, Dr. rer. nat., Staff Scientist, Department of Physics and McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis Neutron stars are the incredibly dense remnants of massive dying stars. They are not just immensely fascinating from an astrophysical perspective, but can also help us study and decode the microscopic forces governing the behavior of the fundamental building blocks of matter. Washington University theoretical physicist, Alex Haber explains the challenges we face in our task to investigate these theories and how neutron stars and their mergers allow us to push the frontiers of our knowledge of nuclear and particle physics.
Event Type(s): Adult Programs, Teen Programs
Age Group(s): Adults, Teens

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